Induction Heating Coil Design
Welcome to Fluxtrol induction heating coil design. Click on a section to navigate and learn more.

Induction Heating Services
Our Fluxtrol team provides two clear production workflows for our customers: Pre-Production Induction Applications and Existing Production Induction Applications. These workflows help our customers engineer induction heating coils, select and properly install the correct Fluxtrol SMC materials, and successfully launch the application/process into new or exciting production environments.

Magnetic Controllers
Magnetic flux control plays a key role in optimal coil design. We offer custom induction heating coil design to maximize production efficiencies to produce better parts for less cost.

Induction Heating Coil Design
The Fluxtrol induction heating coil design team has over 125 years of combined experience in modeling induction processes, designing induction heating coils, manufacturing and operating induction heating systems.

Computer Simulation
Induction heating computer simulation is a powerful tool for process and induction heating coil design, as well as power supply and equipment selection.

Prototyping and Validation
With the ability to create production mock-ups and run prototype parts, Fluxtrol’s lab can be a useful validation tool for design concepts and production parts.