Research and Development (R&D) Services
Welcome to Fluxtrol's research and development services! Click on a section to navigate and learn more.

Consulting Services
Fluxtrol has provided consulting services for a wide variety of challenges including: energy efficiency, electromagnetic safety and overall feasibility of potential induction applications.

Magnetic Flux Control
Theoretical studies and the practical experience of the Fluxtrol team show how important it is to pay attention to magnetic flux control. The video above showing the robot arm that moves a hairpin coil, with and without concentrator, has become a classic demonstration of magnetic flux control.

Heat Treating and Melting
Heat treating of different details is a traditional area of Research at CIT. It includes analysis of coupled electromagnetic and thermal phenomena during induction heating of steels and other materials, methods of computer simulation, material properties required for simulation and development...

Emerging Technologies
The R&D and Engineering groups of Fluxtrol, Inc. conduct cooperative development of new processes with many world leading companies in food packaging, crystal growth, cold crucible melting, welding carbon fiber composites, etc. We are proud to acknowledge our long-term collaboration with Tetra Pak...

Modeling and Optimization
We utilize the latest software versions of Flux 2D/3D and Elta 6.0 for electromagnetic and thermal computer simulation, with the ability to couple the results of simulation with other packages to model complex multiphysical processes such as stress and deformation phenomena. A majority...

On-Site Support
Once induction coils or other installation components have been designed or produced in our facility, Fluxtrol can provide on-site support at the customer’s site.

Personal Training
CIT organizes courses at the Fluxtrol facility for individuals and groups of industrials, which include specifically tailored lectures on theory and simulation as well as practical training in coil design and manufacturing, magnetic controller installation and the process setup and demonstration.
Centre for Induction Technology - Research and Development
Research and Development is one of the core competencies of the Centre for Induction Technology. CIT’s R&D team offers a unique combination of practical and theoretical experience coupled with creativity and openness to new ideas.
The main cornerstones of our R&D are: deep understanding of induction heating and related phenomena, the use of an idea of Magnetic Flux Control and Computer Modeling.
To prove new concepts, we use our well-equipped laboratory with electrical, magnetic and thermal instrumentation in addition to induction heating power supplies with power ranging from 500 W to 50 kW and frequencies between 3 and 2000 kHz.
CIT has a long history of partnering with R&D groups from different universities, start-up companies and large, multinational corporations in exploration and development of new technologies and components. It allows us to resolve complex problems not only in traditional areas of Heat Treating and Melting but also in Emerging and Innovative Technologies such as in liquid food packaging, biomedical, aerospace and oil and gas industries, to name a few.